FMC Foundation of Caring Grants
The Florida Medical Clinic Foundation of Caring happily partners with nonprofits in Hillsborough and Pasco counties to ensure our neighbors have the opportunity to live healthy, productive lives.
Only through these strong collaborations, can we accomplish our mission to support individuals, children, and families in need and at-risk and create measurable, immediate, and ongoing positive changes in our communities.
Our Board of Directors accepts grant applications on an annual basis. We research each proposal, vet each applicant, and determine where we can have the greatest impact. Although annual grants are made, our support should not be viewed as a continuing source of funds.
Grant Application
Grant Application Timeline
Phase I: Application Acceptance
- March 1st – Grant Cycle Opens
- June 30th – Grant Cycle Closes
Phase II: Site Visit Reviews
- July Board Meeting – Members review applications and determine which organizations will move forward in the process and which ones require a site visit.
- August through October – Board members conduct site visits to vet the organizations and to determine if they fit within our funding parameters.
Phase III: Final Determination and Distribution
- October Special Board Meeting – Board members determine final funding for the grant cycle.
- October/November – Grant applicants are notified.
- November/December – Check presentation reception is held for grant recipients.
Phase IV: Impact Reporting
- Due 6-months post award – Impact reports are due by June 1st of the following year. If all funding is spent at that time, a 12-month report is not required.
- Due 12-months post award – Final impact reports are due in December 1st of the following year. If funding is not spent at that time, a final report is required to explain the utilization of the remaining funds.
Grant Guidelines
Grant Criteria:
1. All applicants must be an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) charity and currently registered with the Department
of Agriculture to solicit funds in the state of Florida.
2. The applicant must not have received a grant award from Florida Medical Clinic Foundation of Caring
(FMCFOC) within a year of their current submission. In other words, if awarded grant funding applicants
must wait a year to apply again.
3. An agency exhibiting strong management skills and sound leadership qualities that has been
conducting substantial business activity for at least 2 years.
4. Programs must serve individuals in Florida Medical Clinic’s geographic or service areas of Hillsborough
and Pasco Counties.
5. A project that aligns with FMCFOC’s mission, vision and values.
6. A project that addresses a specific, identified and prioritized need in the community.
7. A creative project that has a positive impact on individuals in-need and at-risk in the community.
8. A project which leverages dollars and/or people power.
9. A project that identifies measurable objectives.
10. A project in which FMCFOC’s grant plays an important role.
11. A project that requires funding of at least $1,000 and no more than a year commitment.
12. All organizations who have been previously awarded grant funding must have submitted
Impact Reports in a timely fashion.
Purposes generally unsuitable for Foundation Funding:
1. Start-up costs for new organizations, i.e. seed money.
2. A capital campaign which raises money to acquire or improve a physical asset.
3. Sponsorship or tickets for fundraising events or advertising space in programs or other publications,
unless received in recognition of awarded grants.
4. Legislative lobbying or political campaigns, action committees, causes, or candidates.
5. Experimental medical research or medical trials.
6. Projects that exclusively serve religious or sectarian purposes or ideologies and do not benefit in-need
or at-risk individuals in the community.
7. Loans, assistance or scholarships to individuals.
8. Public and Private schools with the exception of Title One and special needs schools.
9. Recreation, athletic, or sports team programs, or leagues unless geared to those with special needs.
10. Agencies that provide benefits to FMCFOC officers or employees in exchange for grant funding.
11. General salaries or operating expenses unless they are program specific and directly benefit the
individuals served.
12. Non-service or non-therapy related animal organizations.
The FMCFOC Board of Directors will accept grant applications from March 1st through June 30 th . The Board
will research and assess each and every grant to guarantee that it meets the established guidelines and aligns
with the mission of FMCFOC. Funding will be awarded once a year in December at a Grant Award Reception.
FMC Foundation of Caring Grant Recipients
A Brighter Community
Ace Opportunities
A Kid's Place
A Tribute To Our Soldiers
Abe Brown Ministries
Academy of Health & Human Services
Academy Prep
All Children's Hospital
Alzheimer’s Family Organization
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Foundation for Suicide
American Red Cross
Arthritis Foundation
Arts in Motion Youth Theater
Autism Speaks
Bay Area Legal Services, Inc.
B.E.S.T. Program
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Boy Scouts of America
Buddy Baseball
Camelot Community Care
Camaraderie Foundation
Camp Boggy Creek
Camp Idlewild of Florida
Celebration Church
Celebrate Sound
Centre for Women
Champions for Children
Children's Cancer Center
Children's Home Network
City of Dade City
City of San Antonio
Clothes To Kids
Cloud Nine Outdoors Inc.
Community Food Pantry
Community Roots Collective
Community Stepping Stone
Congenital Heart Walk
Connections Job Development
Cornerstone Family Ministries
Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
Crystal Light Campaign
Current Initiatives
David Joseph Foundation
Dawning Family Services (Alpha House)
Directions for Living
Disability Achievement Center
Early Childhood Council
Early Learning Coalition of Pasco &
Hernando Counties
East Pasco YMCA
Easter Seals
Eckerd Youth Alternatives
Emerald M Therapeutic Riding Center
Equality Florida
Everyday Blessings
Experienced Autism Alliance
Family Healthcare Foundation
FARE Food Allergy & Research Education
Farm Workers Self Help
FL Hospital ZH Foundation
Francis House
Free Network
Fresh Start Pasco
Friends of Joshua House Foundation
GiGi’s Playhouse
Gramatica Family Foundation
Good Samaritan Health Clinic of Pasco
Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services
Gulfside Healthcare Services
Gulfside Regional Hospice
Habitat for Humanity of East & Central Pasco
Habitat for Humanity Hillsborough County
Healing Hearts Cafe
Heart Gallery of Tampa
Heart to Heart International (Puerto Rico)
Hernando Pasco Hospice
Hero To A Child
High Risk Hope, Inc.
Hope Children's Home
Hope Street of Tampa Inc.
Hope Youth Ranch
Human Trafficking Awareness
I Matter Too
Jamie Endress Memorial Fund
Justice Restoration Center
Kaye Prox Food Bank
Koss Music & Cultural Center
Layla's House
L. Abraham Lacoochee Boys & Girls Club
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind
Lightning Foundation Inc.
Lions Eye Institute Foundation
MacDonald Training Center
Mama Africana Network
March of Dimes
Meals on Wheels of Pasco
Metropolitan Ministries
MORE Health, Inc.
Morningstar School
My Hope Chest
NAMI Pasco
National Kidney Foundation
National MS Society
New Life Village
New Tampa YMCA
Other Contributions
Oasis Opportunities
Oasis Pregnancy Care Center
One Community Now
Our Hands, Our Cause
Our Lady’s Food Pantry
Paint Your Heart Out Tampa
Pasco County Foster Adoptive Parent Assoc.
Pasco Education Foundation
Pasco Hernando State College
Pasco Kids First, Inc.
Pasco Police Athletic League
Pasco Sheriff's Mounted Posse
Peter J Mulrey Foundation
Pasco Woman's Shelter
Pilot Club of Zephyrhills
Positive Spin
Pregnancy Care Center of Zephyrhills
Pregnancy Care Center of Plant City
Project Graduation
Pyramid Tampa
Quantum Leap Farm Inc.
The Red Apple School
Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay
Relay for Life
Restored Hope of Dade City
Rotary Club of Zephyrhills
Samaritan Alzheimer's Auxiliary Services
Scoliosis Foundation
Score International
Seniors in Service
Sertoma Speech & Hearing Foundation
Seventh Mom Project
Shoes 4 Schools
Silverado Golf Tournament
Special Spaces
Starting Right, Now
Stay In Step
Sunrise of Pasco
Support the Troops
Sylvia Thomas Center
Take Stock in Children
TAMCO Embracing Wounded Heroes
Tampa Bay Christian Academy
Tampa Bay Workforce Alliance
Tampa Crossroads
Tampa Eden Project
Tampa Jewish Family Services
Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind
Tampa Metropolitan YMCA
Tampa Theatre
The Helen Gordon Davis Centre for
The Cypress Initiative
The SPARK Initiative
The Volunteer Way
Thomas Promise Foundation
Trinity Café
Trinity Outreach of Tampa Bay
Turner Syndrome Society
Underground Network (DID Discovering
University Area Community
Development Center
Unsigned Preps
USF Foundation
USF Health
Veterans Elementary School
Voices for Children of Tampa Bay
VSA Arts of Florida
Warrick Dunn Charities, Inc.
Warrior Wellness Program/Veterans
Wheelchairs for Kids
Wheels of Success
Where Love Grows, Inc.
WUSF Public Media
Ye Notorious Krewe of the Peg Leg Pirate
Zephyrhills Fire & Rescue
Ziploc Campaign
Grant Application